Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Shhh...hear that? It's the winds of change... shhhh. Listen.

This Papalote Salsa project started with a vision, but there was no clear path to follow. Mainly because none of us knew what to expect.

Originally "Papalote Salsa Trading Company" was intended to focus on mail orders from people who saw the Throwdown! Which aired in February of 2010...

We ended up focusing on retail, and we are now in about a hundred of the best specialty stores in the Bay Area and Sacramento...Northern California, I guess we could say.

This year I decided to make a move. There are a few things we're going to try out. And then, just when I communicated my intentions to the team...the universe replied with subtle, but firm nods.

This is getting interesting. 

This is getting good.

This is exciting.